• using virtual machines effectively for development
    • types of VMs (chroot, container, qemu, kvm, virtualbox, vmware, etc)
    • types of VM management (libvirt, openstack, vagrant, etc)
    • storage management (image file, lvm)
    • managing VM configuration (ansible, vagrant, etc)
    • sharing files betewen host and guest (9p, nfs, rsync, git)
    • editing files remotely (remote editor, emacs tramp)
    • ssh -A
  • starting your own project
  • managing e-mail, and other communications, efficiently
  • interviews: paths into hackerdom
  • famous bugs in the history of computing
    • comp.risks
    • https://raygun.io/blog/2014/05/10-costly-software-errors-history/
    • mariner 1, ariane 5, pentium fpu, other famous bugs
  • software development processes in free sw vs traditional

  • Libre vs Gratis (Free as in Beer vs Free as in Freedom)

  • There and back again - A brief trip through the network stack
    • Starting at physical layer, cables plugged into sockets/ports, voltage wiggles become digital data
    • Routing in a shared medium: addressing to route packets
      • Local routing via MAC, IP on top to route between networks
      • Network auto-discovery by DHCP
    • Configuring interfaces
  • Build systems - there are many like it, but this one is mine
  • Debugging - The overlooked skill
  • implementing toy languages
  • implementing toy CPU architectures
  • how to be a mensch, and help make the world better for those not white straight males
  • how to estimate the number of people who use your software
  • virtulisation options: qemu, kvm, libvirt, virtualbox, openstack, aws, docker, lxc, systemd-nspawn, ...
  • stability of software vs adding tons of features all the time - pros and cons of each approach
  • how to have a disagreement without burning bridges or ragequitting
  • Why Lua is the bestest language evah!
  • recognising WHEN to withdraw from a project or shutting it down

Ideas for short reserve articles

  • parser/lexer options and parsing of input
  • aggregation of places to find progrmaming ideas when starting out
Posted Tue Aug 20 18:14:48 2013